Following a successful campaign for the Tokyo Olympics KYAK were approached once more by The British Sailing Team to produce a campaign for Paris 2024.

At the time of writing the work is still being rolled out however the essence of the campaign look and feel has been finalised. This page shows the work to date and some of the thinking behind the solutions we developed. 


The British Sailing Team provided us with a brief to create a campaign that was unique and individual but that worked alongside the wider Team GB campaign. With subtle French references without becoming too literal we explored ways to reference famous landmarks and to give a certain French flair to proceedings!

The British Sailing Team Olympics launch animation

The result was a campaign logo that referenced the three elements the sailors operate in (wind, warmth and waves) an Eiffel tower shape and a small boat sitting neatly in the centre. This initial animation was used to launch the campaign on their social media in advance of the countdown to the games.

The British Sailing Team Olympics campaign icon


Having decide on colours, patterns and typography our designer Paul moved on to creating a suite of posters for each individual sailor. The result of the treatment he gave each image is a set of striking images with the British Sailing Team colours at the heart of the action.

The British Sailing Team Olympics campaign individual sailor posters

From there we developed a team poster that brought all the sailors together. Another striking poster that’s sure to stand out and create interest as the team prepare for the Games.

The British Sailing Team Olympics campaign team poster

The work for this campaign is still being developed so please check back to see what else we’ve been creating. From bunting to selfie frames, there’s a lot coming out of the studio right now!

The British Sailing Team Olympic campaign social image
The British Sailing Team Olympic campaign posters

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